As noted in Abraham and Ann’s post, they had eight known children. Based on some significant gaps between children, I suspect that there may have been more, but I have no documentation to support any other births. Truthfully, I feel as though I’m missing a lot of stuff and just have the basics. In the early 19th century we are dependent on the christening and burial records of the church, and these could be spotty at best. Not all children (even in the same family) were baptized and not all records were preserved or have been filmed.

Let me just take one moment to thank the brilliant people who had the foresight to preserve the Oliver Bair Funeral Home records from Philadelphia and allow Ancestry to get them out there. These records have proven invaluable for added information not only about the event, but also about children that we might not have known about or been able to tie to the family otherwise.

*note* It is too cumbersome to provide all the source data here for the grandchildren of Abraham and Ann. I’ve provided birth and death (if known) – for more information, the BurgraffScott tree on Ancestry has those sources as will (eventually) the individuals on the tree on FamilySearch.
Phoebe Walker: born Jan 1844, christened 30 Jan 1844, died Aug 1844, buried 4 Aug 1844. All events occurred in Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire, England. Little Phoebe’s baptism and burial were recorded in the records of Saint Michael’s, Ashton-Under-Lyne. There are no longer any tombstones in the churchyard. Find A Grave Memorial #135474303. Phoebe was most likely named for Ann’s mother Phoebe (Walker) Orme.1,2
Jeremiah Walker: born 11 Jan 1848, christened 10 Jul 1848, died Apr 1850, burial date and location unknown. All events occurred in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jeremiah was probably named for Abraham’s father Jeremiah Walker. There is some confusion about whether the child on the 1850 Mortality Census is the same child baptized in 1848. The census shows the child was 3 mo, but the baby born in 1848 would have been 2 years 3 months. Errors on the mortality census are not unusual. Adding to my belief that the census age is in error is that the census was done in August of 1850 and Ann was 7 months pregnant at the time. While it’s not impossible to have 2 children 10 months apart, it is unlikely. I believe the census taker just missed the “2” when transcribing his field notes.3,4
Ralph Orme Walker: born 26 Oct 1850, christened 8 Dec 18505 Ralph was a carpenter throughout his life. He first married Mary Ann Saxon on 18 Aug 1871. Mary Ann was the daughter of James Saxon (1812-1876) and Mary (Unknown) Saxon (1815-1890). 6,7 Ralph and Mary Ann had four known children together:
1. Mary Hannah (3 Mar 1873-11 Aug 1874) buried Mount Moriah
2. Florence (25 Oct 1874-10 Aug 1875) buried Mount Moriah
3. Howard Ralph (26 Dec 1876-4 Nov 1877) buried Mount Moriah
4. Walter Saxon (1878-aft 1942).
Ralph and Mary split up in the early 1880s – I have not yet searched out their divorce records, but I have a feeling they’d be an interesting read. This is one of those families that I could easily assign many stories too. If you lost three of your four children when they were infants, it’s highly likely you might have been difficult to live with and resorted to alcohol, over-working, or any other number of coping skills. What is known is that the marriage failed and both moved on.
Ralph married Catharine “Kate” Watson 4 Jul 1883. She could not read or write and her documentation has been limited. She stated on the 1900 Federal Census that her parents were both from Scotland. She possibly lost her parents when young and became a domestic. They had no known children together. Ralph Orme Walker died of pneumonia on 13 Dec 1897 and was buried with his parents in Mount Moriah.8 His second wife, Kate (Watson) Walker, passed away on 29 Dec 1901 and was laid to rest with Ralph.9
I searched for Mary Ann for a long time, but I had to wait for the right records to become available before I found her. Hey, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I’m not going to admit that I failed to look at her mother and see if Mary Ann might be buried with her, thus coming up with her new married name. I will tell you that my cousin Jamie was great about digging out the information once the right question was asked.
Here’s what we now know – Mary Ann (Saxon) Walker married Richard Dixon around 1883 (again no records – we’re going by children’s births and census records) and together, they had two known sons; George R. and Louis Palmer Dixon. Ralph and Mary’s son Walter resided with them and he took Richard’s last name, using Dixon throughout his life. This led other researchers to believe that Mary Ann and Richard had been together longer than they actually had, but Walter Walker is found with Mary Ann and Ralph on the 1880 Census. After losing her first three children in infancy, poor Mary Ann once again suffered the loss of a child when young George was killed by a trolley car at the age of ten (11 Apr 1895). He was dragged beneath the car for a time and it must have been a horrific scene. It certainly made for a gruesome newspaper account. Mary Ann (Saxon) Walker Dixon died from nephritis at the age of 56 on 22 Dec 1908 and is buried in Mount Moriah with her parents and son George.10
Mary Elizabeth Walker: born 19 Jan 1853 in Philadelphia and baptized on 8 May 1853 in the Church of the Redemption (Spring Garden).11 She married Joseph Booth on 1 Oct 1869.12 Joseph Booth was born in England about 1848. It is not yet known who his parents were or when he immigrated to Philadelphia. He is first known to us from his marriage and on the 1870 Census in 46th District, 15th Ward of Philadelphia; his profession is engine maker/machinist.13 Joseph died 6 Dec 1898 in Philadelphia and was buried on 10 Dec 1898 in Mount Moriah Cemetery.14
Every family has a child that “carries the water,” and Mary is that child in the Walker family. She’s the one who provides the space in the family plot for her brother’s babies and appears on many of the funeral home records for her siblings or their children as the person responsible for the bill. She helps her mother with her application for a pension and is the one who cares for her mother at the end. Mary also has to bury her own son Robert after his wife passes away. Mary did not remarry, and remained in the Spring Garden area throughout her life. She passed away 27 Feb 1938 and was laid to rest 2 Mar 1938 in the Mount Moriah plot with Joseph and her parents.15 Together, she and Joseph had 6 known children:
1. Robert Booth b. 22 Sep 1870, d. 6 Jan 1918, m. Caroline (Unknown) b. 6 May 1860, d. 1 Jan 1904. They had no known children and were buried together in Mechanics Cemetery, but when it closed, they were relocated to Mount Peace Cemetery.
2. Mary Ann Booth b. 25 Mar 1872, d. 2 Apr 1872, buried Mount Moriah Cemetery
3. Stillborn Boy Booth b.1873, d.1873, buried Mount Moriah. We know of this child from the notes on Joseph’s funeral record. The stillborn child was disinterred for placement of Joseph’s casket and then reinterred with him.
4. Gertrude Booth b. 12 Apr 1879, d. 24 Nov 1955, m. James Peter Hain on 26 Apr 1899. James (1873-1944) son of Peter Hain and Sarah J. Else. Both Gertrude and James were cremated but they have a headstone in Arlington Cemetery, Drexel Hill, Delaware County. They had six known children: Stella Gladys, James B., Ruth, Frank Orme, Margaret S., and Ralph E.
5. Joseph Barber Booth b. 15 May 1885, d. 1 Jul 1945, m. Catherine Smith 11 Jul 1906, Atlantic City, Atlantic, New Jersey. Catherine b. 30 Mar 1885 in Scotland, d Jul 1966 Atlantic City, Atlantic, New Jersey. It is not yet known who her parents were or when she immigrated. Joseph Barber Booth was cremated. They had seven known children: Annie, Joseph William Smith, John W., Robert D., Joseph, Dorothy W., and Gladys.
6. Alice Booth b. 15 Dec 1887, d 10 Jan 1974, m1 Edward L. Hallahan on 8 Jan 1904. Edward L. Hallahan b. 23 Jul 1883 Ireland, d. 27 Apr 1924, b. St James of Kingsessing. M2 William Hynds Jr. on 3 Sep 1924. Alice and Edward Hallahan had eight known children together: Edward, Joseph, James, Thomas, Alice, Catherine, John, and Eugene. Alice and William had no known children together.
Abraham Walker: born 13 Jan 1854 and baptized 1 Jun 1855.16 He first married Eleanor Mary Agar on 7 Feb 1876. Eleanor was born about 1858, the daughter of William and Mary Ann (Rilers/Ryland) Agar.17 Eleanor died on 9 Sep 1879 of pulmonary tuberculosis and was buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.18 *Note – Odd Fellows is defunct and records show Eleanor and the Agar family were relocated to Lawnview Cemetery, Sec 42, Graves 9, date removed 22 Jun 1951. Abraham and Eleanor had one known child together:
1. Eleanor Mary Walker, b.3 Nov 1876, Philadelphia, d. 16 May 1919, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, m. Joseph Edward Bernish in 1894. Joseph b. 30 Jan 1867, Birmingham, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, d. 25 Jun 1958 in Pittsburgh. He was the son of Thomas and Mary Ann (Davis) Bernish. Eleanor and Joseph are buried together in the South Side Cemetery. They had ten known children together: Irene Clara, Joseph Edward, Eleanor Mary, Thomas, Ralph Earl, Martha Elizabeth, Anna Luella, Thomas Abraham, Jean Adele, and Theresa May.
The family story handed down through Abraham’s line is that Eleanor (Agar) Walker’s parents wanted Abraham to give up baby Eleanor to them after her mother’s death. Abraham refused and relocated to Pittsburgh. They followed and to get them to give up their pursuit and probably out of fear they might sue for custody or simply take the child and disappear to Ireland, Abraham finally showed them a grave and told them the baby had died. The Agars apparently departed back to Philadelphia. It’s a great story and may have some basis in truth as single fathers were not the norm in this era and babies were usually given to grandparents or siblings to raise if the mother died. I find no evidence that the Agars intended to return to Ireland. Most of the Agar family (parents and siblings) were interred in the family plot with Eleanor at the Odd Fellows Cemetery.
What can be proven is that Abraham’s brother John and his wife Annie were in Pittsburgh in 1880. John was working as a machinist in the mills and it’s probable that the two brothers moved there together for work reasons. After the loss of their daughter Eleanor, it is quite easy to believe the Agars were distressed that he was taking their grandchild so far away. What is also clear, is that Abraham met and married Theresa Berger within about six months of Eleanor’s death. No firm marriage date has been located, but Eleanor (Agar) Walker died in September 1879 and Abraham and Theresa’s first child is born in December 1880. It is probable that Theresa was hired to care for the baby and things evolved from there. Philomena Theresa Berger was born 12 Sep 1860, the daughter of John and Margaret (Uikrohr) Berger.19 They had one known child together:
1. Louis Walker, b. 20 Dec 1880, Pittsburgh, d. 3 Oct 1945, buried South Side Cemetery, m1 Anna Reilly (1 Jul 1886-18 Sep 1940) on 25 May 1904. She was the daughter of James Reilly and Mary Ellen (Unknown), both of England. Louis and Anna had two known children: Louis Walker and Cecil J. Walker. They divorced in the mid-1920s. He next married Doris (Unknown) prior to 1930. They had no known children. Anna next married John J. Ryan (abt 1898-?)
Abraham died from cancer of the bladder in Pittsburgh on 9 Jul 1920 and was buried 12 Jul 1920 in the South Side Cemetery.20 Theresa did not remarry. She died 5 May 1936 in Oakmont, Allegheny County and was buried on 7 May beside Abraham.
A quick note here about Abraham’s name. Several trees have him listed as Abraham Lincoln Walker. He apparently adopted the Lincoln name in honor of the late president after his assassination, but he wasn’t named that by his parents. He was baptized as Abraham Walker in 1854, long before Lincoln was a blip on the national radar. There is a family bible that lists the children of Abraham and Ann and the list appears to have been created well after the fact as the writing is all the same. The name Lincoln looks as though it was added at a later date. There’s no issue with his name – Abraham can call himself whatever he likes. I’m merely clarifying that Lincoln wasn’t part of his birth name.
John Walker: born 21 Jun 1858 and baptized 9 Sep 1860.21 On 1 Jan 1880, he married Annie E. McCarrick.22 Annie was born in Ireland about 1860. It is not yet clear who her parents were or when they immigrated. On 5 Jun 1880 the couple is found in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County. 23 It is possible that John went with his brother Abraham when he relocated, but the young couple did not remain in Pittsburgh. By 1883, they are back in Philadelphia as their first two children are baptized at the Church of the Redemption in March of that year. They are next found on the 1900 census in Philly, at which time Annie is enumerated as having had 3 children, 3 of who are living. Her three daughters are listed with her, indicating that her oldest known child, William James Walker, may be deceased by this time. Annie died on 25 Aug 1902 at the age of 41 from diabetes and was buried 28 Aug 1902 in Mount Moriah Cemetery. According to her death record, she was listed as married, so John should still have been alive; however, the plot was purchased by her daughter Ella, so it’s not clear if John was still alive or not after the 1900 census.24,25,26 I have not yet located a death record or any further information for John after the 1900 census. John and Annie had four known children together:
1. William James Walker, b. 10 Nov 1880, Pennsylvania, baptized 25 Mar 1883, Church of the Redemption, Philadelphia. Found in the family bible and baptismal record, but not thereafter.
2. Ella Walker, b. 24 Dec 1882, baptized 25 Mar 1883 Church of the Redemption, Philadelphia, d. 11 Nov 1905 Philadelphia, buried 14 Nov 1905 Mount Moriah Cemetery, m. Magruder Manry Cameron on 7 Nov 1903 in Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware. Magruder b. 1 Jan 1878 Philadelphia, d. 18 Jul 1906, Philadelphia, buried 21 Jul 1906 North Cedar Hill Cemetery. They had two known children: Mary E. and Ella (Ellen) Gordon.
3. Sadie Walker, b. 13 Jan 1885 Philadelphia, d. 20 Feb 1953 Philadelphia, cremated, m1 to Unknown Cookson. They had one known child: Arthur E. Cookson. M2 to Unknown Kleinfelder. They had no known children.
4. Anna Walker, b. 1 Nov 1888 Philadelphia, d. 27 Oct 1938 Philadelphia, buried 31 Oct 1938 Greenwood Cemetery Philadelphia, m. Henry “Harry” Riley about 1905. Harry was born about 1883. Date of death aft 1920. They had four known children: Henry “Harry” Riley, Raymond Thomas Riley, Charles Riley, and Anna Riley.
William Zed Walker: born 2 Aug 1860 and baptized 9 Sep 1860, died 10 Apr 1941. He and his family will be the subject of a separate post.
Phoebe Ann Lincoln Walker: born 28 Jul 1865 and baptized 8 Nov 1965.27 On the 1870 census she appears as Phoebe, but on the 1880 census she appears as Annie L. She has not been located after this date. One of the missing women in our family. While I can prove nothing (what else is new?) I believe that Annie married in the 1880s and is deceased prior to 1900. My reasoning is #1 – if she’d died prior to marrying, she’d be in Mount Moriah with the rest of the family, and if she died much later, her parents would be on the death certificate. #2 – The 1900 census for her mother Ann is a mess when it comes to the number of children, but may make sense if you’re an old woman with bad hearing. Ann states she had 4 children, which we know is wrong based on baptism and death records. But it could be four living children. In 1900, Mary, Abraham, John, and William Z. are all alive. At least that’s my theory and I can prove four living children in 1900. I can’t prove Annie is alive after 1880. If anyone has any information on Annie, please get in touch.Update – 14 July 2017 – Phoebe Ann has been found and a post about her and her family will be coming soon.]
1. St Michaels (Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England), “Baptisms,” p.24, 30 Jan 1844, Phoebe Walker dau. of Abraham & Ann Walker; FHL microfilm 1,538,434.
2. St Michaels (Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England), “Burials,” p. 246, line 2, Phoebe dau. of Abraham Walker, 4 Aug 1844; FHL microfilm 1,550,971.
3. Church of the Redemption (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County), “Church of the Redemption (Spring Garden),” Records 1846-1850 by Rev. George A. Duborow; FHL microfilm 2,048,314, item Baptism Jeremiah Walker 11 Jan 1848.
4. Pennsylvania U.S. Census Bureau, Mortality Schedule, M1838, 11 rolls: pg 2 Seventh Precinct, Spring Garden, Philadelphia, 25, Jeremiah Walker, aged 3/12, cause of death unknown; digital image, The Generations Network, Inc., “U. S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880,” Ancestry.
5. Church of the Redemption (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County), “Baptismal Record,” Ralph Orme Walker; FHL microfilm 1,731,982, item shows birth date of 26 Oct 1850.
6. John or Phoebe Walker Family Bible, family pages; Photocopy held by Private, Mr. Ralph Walker to Miss N. Mary A. Saxon, 18 Aug 1871.
7. Pennsylvania Department of Health, death certificate 120632 (1908), Mary A. Dixon, died 22 Dec 1908, buried 26 Dec 1908 Mount Moriah; Department of Vital Statistics, New Castle. Cit. Date: 5 Jul 2015.
8. Pennsylvania Philadelphia City Death Certificates 1803-1915, Ralph O. Walker death date 13 Dec 1897, burial 19 Dec 1897 Mount Moriah. Rec. Date: 20 Jun 2008.
9. Pennsylvania Philadelphia City Death Certificates 1803-1915, #15792, Kate Walker, death date 29 Jan 1901, burial 2 Feb 1901 Mount Moriah. Rec. Date: 20 Jun 2008.
10. Pennsylvania Department of Health, death certificate 120632 (1908), Mary A. Dixon, died 22 Dec 1908, buried 26 Dec 1908 Mount Moriah; Department of Vital Statistics, New Castle. Cit. Date: 5 Jul 2015.
11. (Pennsylvania), “Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records 1708-1985,” Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Abram & Ann Walker, born 1 Jan 1852; digital images, Ancestry, “FHL Film #1731982” Cit. Date: 5 Jul 2015.
12. John or Phoebe Walker Family Bible, family pages; Photocopy held by Private. Miss Mary E. Walker to Mr. Joseph Booth 1 Oct 1869. Cit. Date: 14 Jan 2012.
13. 1870 U.S. census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Philadelphia, p. 63, dwelling 771, family 924, Mary Walker Booth; digital images, Ancestry; citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M593, roll M593 1398. Cit. Date: 30 Jun 2008; Family #924 Joseph Booth age 22 Engine Builder, Mary Booth age 20 Keeping House. Census records married within last 12 months, specifically October.
14. Pennsylvania City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia City Death Certificates 1803-1915, 11902, Joseph Booth died 6 Dec 1898, buried 10 Dec 1898 Mount Moriah; digital image, Family Search, “Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Records 1803-1915,” Rec. Date: 20 Jun 2008.
15. Pennsylvania Department of Health, death certificate 11895 (1938), Mary Elizabeth Booth, born 11 Feb 1852, died 27 Feb 1938, buried 2 Mar 1938 Mount Moriah, Father Abraham Walker, Lancashire, Mother Anne Orme, Lancashire, Spouse, Joseph Booth; Department of Vital Statistics, New Castle. Cit. Date: 5 Jul 2015.
16. Church of the Redemption (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County), Abraham Walker, son of Abram and Ann, baptized 13 Jun 1855, born 1 Jun 1854; FHL microfilm 1,731,982. Cit. Date: 7 Jul 2015.
17. John or Phoebe Walker Family Bible, family pages; Photocopy held by Private. Mr. Abraham Walker to Miss Eleanor Agar, 7 Feb 1876. Cit. Date: 15 Jan 2012.
18. Pennsylvania City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia City Death Certificates 1803-1915, Physician’s Certificate, Elnor Walker, died 9 Sep 1879; digital image, Family Search, Rec. Date: 20 Jun 2008. Cit. Date: 15 Jan 2012.
19. Pennsylvania Department of Health, death certificate 47773 (1936), Theresa Berger Walker, age 75, born 12 Sep 1860, died 5 May 1936, Father John Berger, France, Mother Margaret Uikrohr, Germany, Spouse Abraham Walker, buried 7 May 1936 South Side Cemetery; Department of Vital Statistics, New Castle.
20. Pennsylvania Department of Health, death certificate 75562 (1920), Abraham Walker, age 66, born 1 Jun 1854, died 9 Jul 1920, buried 12 Jul 1920 South Side Cemetery, Father Abraham Walker, Mother Ann Arm, Informant Theresa Walker; Department of Vital Statistics, New Castle. Cit. Date: 7 Jul 2015
21. Church of the Redemption (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County), John Walker, son of Abram and Ann Walker, baptized 9 Sep 1860, born 21 Jun 1858; FHL microfilm 1,731,982. Cit. Date: 7 Jul 2015.
22. John or Phoebe Walker Family Bible, family pages; Photocopy held by Private. Mr. John Walker to Miss Annie E. McCarrick 1 Jan 1880.
23. Year: 1880; Census Place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1095; Family History Film: 1255095; Page: 350A; Enumeration District: 166; Image:0253
24. Pennsylvania City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia City Death Certificates 1803-1915, Annie Walker, age 41, died 25 Aug 1902, buried 28 Aug 1902 Mount Moriah; digital image, Family Search Rec. Date: 20 Jun 2008. Cit. Date: 9 Jul 2015.
25. “Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records 1708-1985,” Burial Record, Ella Cameron, 14 Nov 1905, Sec 207, Lot B, Div 21, next to Annie Walker buried 28 Aug 1902; digital images, Ancestry, “Oliver Bair Funeral Home Records,” Cit. Date: 9 Jul 2015.
26. Year: 1900; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 33, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1474; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 0843; FHL microfilm: 1241474
27. Church of the Redemption (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County), Phoebe Ann Lincoln Walker, daughter of Abram and Ann, baptized 8 Nov 1865, birth 28 Jul 1865; FHL microfilm 1,289,306.