The Kortlever Family:
Seated: Jan Kortlever, Jennie Kortlever Noteboom, Maaike Bel Kortlever
Back: Hugo Kortlever, Nellie Kortlever Van Diest, Maaike Kortlever Pen, Mary Kortlever Burgraff, John Cornelis Kortlever
[Updated Jun 2017]

Genealogy of Sharon & Scotty
Marla Pen says
Nellie and Maaike are the two in the back (left to right) and Jennie is seated in between her parents.
Deborah Kortlever Shea says
Jan Kortlever was my Great Great Grandfather. Hugo Kortlever was my Great Grandfather and his son John my Grandfather. Loved coming across this info. First time I’d seen a picture of them!